Artist Promoter: - I could call my self lucky, because I
had the opportunity to make an interview, with a very talended young singer and
actor Agha Anjum Nazar. He
is a big talent of his field, and his mulitalent will help him in dealing with
the problems, wich he will face while building his career. Anjum pleasegive me a brief introduction of youfor my readers: Anjum:- I
am Agha Anjum Nazar belong to Lahore (Lalamusa) Pakistan. I am singer and also
i am actor. - You have a great profession as singer, how you
started it? Anjum:- Since
my childhood i like the music and listened the just Pakistani music.
Really inspire from Pakistani all kind of music 4 year ago finally i planed that
i must became a singer and so i started the learning music study. - What and who did really inspire you to get into
field music? Anjum:- I
am inspired by all old and new Pakistani singers. -What problems did you face to achieve your career? Anjum:- A
lot of problems that no one support me for singing, and my family don’t like my
singing. - Who have you worked with? Anjum:- My
great teacher Ustad Pasteur Yousaf Barkat worked with me and guide me for
music. - Is there any artist you want to work with?
Anjum:- I
worked with all my favorite musicians and singers, just one man left
that’s name my favorite singer BUNNY. - What are results of your achievements? Anjum:- A
lot of peoples knew me and they respect me more and when they see me they stand
for me and give me a great respect. -
What you achieved represents, that hardworking always birngs succes. - Do you have a favorite musical project that you’ve
worked on? Anjum:- Yes
my most favorite music project SAYYAN VE and a very big video project of
TERE LIYE song. - What are your plans for the future? Anjum:- In
future i am going to release my new projects and start the concert. -
That is fantastic, i wait it excited. -Do you have any advice for young people who want become in the field of
media (Music/ television/ Film)? Anjum:- I
said only this that speak truth and guide every one toward right way and give
and spread happiness. - Its
fantastic to hear someone in such a young age talking this wisely, i wish that
your succes will be worldwide, and your dreams will come true.
I could call my self lucky, because I had the
opportunity to make an interview, with a very talended young singer: Guessous Majda Mária (Meshi). - Meshi please introduce yourself for my readers:
Meshi:- If i look at myself from the outside: I'm a Hungarian-Moroccan girl, who was born in Hungary, int he
city of Debrecen, into a big family. I graduated as a folk singer and teacher
at the Music Academy, where i teach right now. If i look to myself from the
inside, then i feel: I'm a girl, who has found her husband, who believes in
God, in His miracles, in dreams, a girl who love to paint, write poems, play
music, sing, to get to know herself and others.
- You have a great
profession as singer, how you started it?
Meshi:- Arts, music, and the love of folk songs was an
important thing to me since i was born. Originally i wanted to be a doctor, i
loved biology very much, but at the same time i went to music school where i
gave concerts and participated in music contests. First I played on
violoncello, then i started my studies at the folk songs major as the student
of Sáriné Szebenyi Judit. Beyond the family traditions, she made me the path
into the beautiful world of Hungarian folk music. I felt more and more that i
need to choose this major. I ended up at the Music Academy, where i graduated
not long ago as a musician and a teacher.
- What and who did really inspire you to
get into field music?
Meshi:- Many people and many small sign helped and motivated me on
my way. Like my mother, my family and my teachers. And of course the audience
what gave feed backs which motivated me also, and still motivates me today. I
feel that my Creator made me for this path. I want to be a bonding bridge
between cultures and people through music, folk music. Somehow all paths leaded me to this, and
i every time i feel more strongly that i can only express the naturally of life
and music this way hoping that not i am the only one who will take wings, but
everyone. - It’s wonderful, that your family support you.
- What problems did you
face to achieve your career?
Meshi:- I think that pitfalls are in the first place can be found in
the person him/herself. I strive to live a more beautiful and full life on the
weekdays and on the stage too. This is my intention. I think there are always
ups-and-downs. But its okay this way, this is how life goes, this is how a
person evolves, goes ahead. For sure, the world of art is pretty wide, it hides
many dangers too, but this is true for all the professions. Everyone should
work on him/herself, and do his/her job this way, with good intentions.- You way of
thinking is very responsible, and you always make up your mind, the world that
surrounds you did not effect you, and the fact that you are very openminded is
amazig.. i wish you the best: make your dreams true, or at least be succesful
in your occupation and your personal life.
- Who have you worked
Meshi:- I had the opportunity to work with a lots of artist and
singers, which fusions made a great influence in me, because every other person
with his music and personality is a micro cosmos. In 2012 I worked together
with Alexandra Berta folk singer and zither player, Fausto Beccalossi jazz
accordion player, the Hungarian folk group called Folk Embassy, András Jánosy
folk violin player and teacher, Marlene Dorcena jazz singer, Mike Stern jazz
guitarist, Said Tichiti moroccan singer, Szabolcs Szőke sarangi and gadulka
player and Trilok Gurtu tabla artist (precussion). There are three musicians who regularly perform: My husband, Gerzson David Boros (darbuka, harp); Ivan Barvich (wind instruments, tambourine, RIQ), a member of the famous band Sebo, and Szabolcs Tóth sitar artist. World music ensemble jazz and folk elements with Balkan Union and Woodland band with a singer I am also present. I have these formations also represent an authentic folk music.
- Is there any artist you
want to work with?
Meshi:- Yes, there are many musicians and artist i would like to
work with. My monthly club concerts are great opportunities for that. We had
many times guest artists whom I have wanted to work with a from a long time,
and thank God, we could play music together for a concert. I hope, that I one
day will work with the artist is respect so i will be able to learn from them.
-What are results of your achievements?
Meshi:- First I achieved some nice results as the pupil of Judit Sáryné Szebenyi thank God: grand prizes of national folk music competitions, Euro Regional Festivals 1. place and the Children and Youth Festival of Debrecens grand prize. In 2010 i graduated as a folk singer at the Music Academy, my master was Anna Vakler. In 2010 I participated int he Folk Beats National Talent competition where i achieved first place. In 2011I received the Junior Prima Prize (a national award) in folk art and public education categories. Int he same year my first album debuted with the title Szivárványhíd (Rainbow bridge), and after that I graduated in 2012 as a folk music teacher at the Music Academy where I teach right now.
In January-February 2013 I went to an American music tour, which I was awarded for the first place on Folk beats competition. My constant music companions István Barvich and my husband Gerzson Dávid Boros were also with me. We gave 15 concerts. It was a wonderful experience.- What you
achieved represents, that hardworking always birngs succes.
- How do you see the work nowadays in your field easy or difficult?
Meshi:- It is hard to work in this field, if the person does it for money. But its also true that for us musicians this is our profession, we live from this but we need to be careful to keep money away of our priorities. I think that the people must believe int he miracles , in his/her dreams and the path will soon be clear in from of him/her, it it really belongs to the person.
-Do you have a favorite musical project that you’ve worked on?
Meshi:- My own music project, Szivárványhíd (the Rainbow bridge) album debuted in November 2011. This was my first album and I worked with it a lot. It’s called Rainbow bridge because it connects people, nations, cultures and the turning points of a humans life: marriage-death and the returning to God. You can find Hungarian, Turkish and Moroccan folk songs.
As I just mentioned i worked with many artists, what resulted in new projects like concerts. The memories and the experience of the mini tour with Mike Stern and Trilok Gurtu still fresh. They let me peer into a new musical world. It was the beautiful meeting of jazz and folk music. In 2013 Jan. i went with my team for a month tour int he USA, that was our last music project.
- You went far
lately, you must have a lot of plans in the future, please tell us about them.
Meshi:- I would like to deepen my knowledge in Moroccan-Arab folk music besides of Hungarian and Turkish folk songs. There are many things in the air and I don't know what will happen to them or to what they will turn, but what I know is, I want a beautiful and happy family and i want to continue singing for the sake of God and the people.
- Do you have any advice for young people who want come in the field of media?
Meshi:- Let he music born in your souls, your throats, your instrument! I wish you all beautiful creation!- Its fantastic to
hear someone in such a young age talking this wisely, i wish that your succes
will be worldwide, and your dreams will come true.
Nagy örömömre lehetőségem adódott interjút készíteni egy fiatal tehetséges sokoldalú műveltséggel rendelkező népi ének előadóművésszel, Guessous Majda Máriával (Mesi). - Mesi mondj magadról néhány szót az olvasóknak:
Mesi:- Ha kívülről tekintek magamra: én egy magyar-marokkói lány vagyok, aki Magyarországon, Debrecenben, egy népes nagycsaládban született. Népi ének előadóművészként és tanárként diplomázott a Zeneakadémián, ahol jelenleg óraadó tanárként dolgozik. Ha belülről tekintek magamra, akkor ezt érzem: egy lány, aki megtalálta a férjét, hisz a Teremtőben, a csodáiban, az álmokban, nagyon szeret festeni, verseket írni, zenélni, énekelni, önmagát és másokat megismerni.
- Te egy profi énekes vagy, hogy indultál el ezen az úton?
Mesi:- A művészetek, a zene, a népdalok szeretete gyermekkorom óta fontos része az életemnek. Eredetileg orvosnak készültem, nagyon szerettem a biológiát, de mindeközben zeneiskolába jártam és rendszeresen felléptem, illetve versenyeken vettem részt. Először csellóztam, majd népi ének szakon is elkezdtem tanulmányaimat Sáriné Szebenyi Judit tanítványaként. A családi hagyományokon túl ő vezetett be a magyar népzene szépséges világába. Egyre inkább azt éreztem, hogy nekem ez az utam, ezt a pályát kell választanom. Végül a Zeneakadémián találtam magam, ahol nemrég diplomáztam előadóművészként és tanárként.
- Mi és ki ösztönzött, hogy zenével foglalkozz?
Mesi:- Sok kis jel és személy segített, ösztönzött ezen az úton. Ilyen személy volt elsősorban az édesanyám, családom, tanáraim. Nem szabad elfelejteni a közönséget sem, akiktől olyan visszajelzéseket kaptam-kapok, amelyek szintén ösztönző erővel bírtak-bírnak a mai napig. Úgy érzem, hogy a Teremtőm erre a pályára rendelt. A zenén, népzenén keresztül összekötő híd szeretnék lenni a különböző emberek és kultúrák közt. Valahogy efelé vezetett minden út, s ahogy haladok ezen az úton egyre erősebb bennem azaz érzés, hogy az élet és ének természetességét a népdalokon keresztül tudom leginkább megélni és kifejezni, remélve azt, hogy ezzel nem csak én, hanem mások is szárnyra kapnak. – ez csodálatos, hogy a családod támogat...
- Milyen buktatói vannak a pályádnak?
Mesi:- Buktatók úgy gondolom, hogy elsősorban magában az emberben vannak. Én arra törekszem, hogy minél szebb és teljesebb életet éljek a hétköznapokon és a színpadon is, a szándékom ez. Azt gondolom, hogy mindig van fent és lent. De ez így jó, ez az élet rendje, így fejlődik az ember. Az biztos, hogy a művészet világa nagyon tág, nagyon sok veszélyt is rejtegethet, de ez minden szakmára igaz. Mindenkinek önmagán kell dolgoznia, és így tennie a dolgát, jó szándékkal.– felelősségteljes gondolkodás jellemez téged és nem vagy meggondolatlan, nem fertőzött meg téged a romlott világ, és sokoldalú műveltséged lenyűgöző... a legjobbakat kívánom neked: valósítsd meg az álmaidat, legyél sikeres a munkában és a magánéletben is.
- Kivel dolgoztál már együtt?
Mesi:- Számos zenésszel, művésszel volt lehetőségem együtt dolgozni. Minden egyes ilyen fuzió, együttzenélés nagy hatással volt rám, hiszen minden ember egy-egy mikrokozmosz a maga személyiségével, zenei világával. 2012-ben együtt dolgoztam Berta Alexandra citerás népdalénekes előadóművésszel, Fausto Beccalossi jazz tangóharmónikással, a Folkembassy magyar népzenei együttessel, Jánosi András népi hegedűművésszel és tanárral, Marlene Dorcena jazz énekesnővel, Mike Stern jazz gitárossal, Said Tichiti marokkói énekessel, Szőke Szabolcs sarangi és gadulkajátékossal, valamint Trilok Gurtu tablaművésszel. Van három zenész, akikkel rendszeresen
fellépek: férjem, Boros Gerzson Dávid (darbuka, doromb); Barvich Iván (fúvós
hangszerek, tambura, riq) -a híres Sebő együttes egyik tagja; illetve Tóth
Szabolcs szitárművész. Világzenei
együtteseim a jazz és népzenei elemeket ötvöző Balkan Union és Woodland
együttes, ahol énekesként szintén jelen vagyok. Ezekben
a formációkban is az autentikus népzenét képviselem.
- Van olyan művész, akivel szívesen együtt dolgoznál?
Mesi:- Igen, sok olyan művész van, akivel szívesen együtt dolgoznék. A havi klubkoncertjeim erre nagyon jó alkalmak. Ezeken a koncerteken sok esetben voltak már vendégművészek, akikkel már szintén régóta szerettem volna együtt zenélni, és hála Istennek, sikerült együtt zenélnünk egy vagy akár több közös koncert erejéig. Remélem, hogy sok-sok általam tisztelt művésszel tudok majd együtt dolgozni, akiktől rengeteget tudok majd tanulni.
- Milyen sikereket tudsz felmutatni?
Mesi:- Először Sáriné Szebenyi Judit tanítványaként értem el hála Istennek szép eredményeket: országos népzenei versenyek kiemelt díjai, az Eurorégiós Fesztivál I. díja, és Debreceni Gyermek és Ifjúsági Fesztivál Nagydíja. 2010-ben népi ének előadóművészként diplomáztam a Zeneakadémián, mesterem Vakler Anna volt. 2010-ben indultam a Folkbeats országos tehetségkutató versenyen, ahol I. helyezést értem el. 2011-ben Junior Prima Díjban (állami kitüntetésben) részesültem népművészet és közművelődés kategóriában. Ugyanebben az évben jelent meg első lemezem Szivárványhíd címmel, majd 2012-ben népzenetanárként diplomáztam a Zeneakadémián, ahol jelenleg óraadó tanárként dolgozom.
2013 januárjában-februárjában volt egy amerikai turném, amit a Folkbeats első helyezettjeként kaptam. Velem tartott két állandó zenésztársam is: Barvich Iván és férjem, Boros Gerzson Dávid is. 23 nap alatt 15 koncertet adtunk. Hála Istennek hatalmas élmény volt!- A kemény munka mindig meghozza gyümölcsét, ezt reprezentálja mindaz, amit eddig elértél.
- Hogy látod, nehéz ebben dolgozni, amiben te vagy, vagy könnyű?
Mesi:- Nehéz ebben a szakmában dolgozni, ha azt az ember pénzért csinálja. Az is igaz, hogy nekünk, zenészeknek ez a szakmánk, ebből élünk, de vigyáznunk kell, hogy az elsődleges mozgatórugó ne a pénz legyen. Én úgy gondolom, hogy az embernek hinnie kell a csodában, az álmaiban, és az út kirakódik számára, ha az valóban hozzá tartozik.
- Van híres zenei projekt, amin dolgoztál?
Mesi:- Saját zenei projektem, a Szivárványhíd lemez 2011 novemberében jelent meg. Ez volt első, debütáló albumom, amin nagyon sokat dolgoztam. Szivárványhíd, mert embereket, népeket, kultúrákat és az emberi élet nagy fordulópontjait-születés, házasság és a Teremtőhöz való visszatérés- köti össze. A lemezen magyar, török és marokkói népdalok találkoznak.
Ahogy említettem, sok művésszel dolgoztam együtt, akikkel szintén egy-egy új zenei projekt született, melyeknek eredménye egy-egy koncert lett. Friss élményként él bennem a mini turné Mike Sternnel és Trilok Gurtuval, akik szintén egy új zenei világba engedtek bepillantani. Gyönyörű találkozása volt a jazznek és a népzenének. 2013 januárjában a csapatommal egy közel egy hónapos USA turnéra indultunk, most ez volt a legutóbbi zenei projekt.
- Messzire jutottál már, sok terved lehet a jövőre nézve, mesélj a terveidről.
Mesi: - Szeretném mélyíteni tudásomat a magyar, és török népzenén kívűl, a marokkói-arab népzene területén is. Sok minden van a levegőben, amiből nem tudom, hogy mi lesz, de azt igen, hogy szeretnék egy szép, boldog családot, és szeretnék továbbra is énekelni Isten és az emberek örömére.
- Van valamilyen tanácsod a fiataloknak, akik szeretnének zenével foglalkozni?
Mesi:- A zenét hagyják megszületni a lelkükben, a torkukban, a hangszerükben! Csodálatos alkotást kívánok nekik! - Fantasztikus hallgatni egy ilyen fiatal művészt ilyen bölcsen beszélni, én kívánom neki hogy sikere legyen viágszerte, és teljesüljenek az álmai.
- I met a young
talented actor, with a wide horizon, please introduce
yourself for my readers:
- Well my Name is
Gohar Yousaf iam 21 years old. I am from Pakistan a Lahori desi fun loving guy.
Doing my Bachelors in Mass communication.
- You were surrounded by music since your
early ages, please tell me, how did you choose this path, and when?
- I’ve inherited
this particular skill from my father as I don’t belong to a proper and popular
musically trained family.
I started singing
in my school when I was in my 6th grade our music teacherMr. John
wanted me to sing few lines for him... He was actually taking auditions for our
school choir.
I used to be very
shy that time. I was really nervous I just went to him in front of my class he
said I know you are getting nervous just close your eyes and sing whatever you
want to I was like okay :) started a patriotic song and he played his keyboards
with me when I ended that particular song he said your selected! Your ON you
have to be in our school Choir you deserve to be there I was shocked that time
with a big smile on my face and said thank you sir :) The whole class
appreciated alot and so Sir John as well... that moment was life Changing. I
was like yes I did it yes :) came back home told my parents about it I was
really happy that day becoming part of
my School choir was a big thing to me used to face 400 to 500 students daily of
my school. My stage fear got vanished participated in numerous shows and
competitions from school and
Learnt a lot of
things, techniques how to perform and how to present the particular content in
front of the audience... in my 8th Grade I got some friends who were like me so
we used to Perform as a band as I was the lead vocalist that time got hell lot
of appreciation as well. With the passage of time people suggested me to work
more and I should pursue singing and make it my profession. And at the end of
my 8th grade I made my own composition worked on it and in 2OO8 I released my
Debut Track Dill nay tujhey( home based
version) and the response was huge.... when I started my College I officially
started music did proper concerts with a passage of time achieved alot in my
teen age. But there is a long way ahead I want more I need to learn more I want
to achieve alot but at the same time I can now say that I have made my own
image as well being in underground scene i am still struggling for my aims and
goals and I believe with the Grace of God i'm gonna achieve them for sure. - I
am very impressed by your story... you have great experienxes in your young
ages yet.
- What and who did really inspire you to get into
field music?
- hmm a thing which inspires me
that would be Guitar 4 sure Jal the band from Lahore released their song Aadat
in 2004 I started playing guitar noticing Goher Mumtaz (lead guitarist and
Vocalist) of Jal he is my inspiration over all..
- Lots of work needed to build a carrier
and become famous, wich contains hard moments also...
- I have achieved alot but its a
start for me there is long way ahead...
Obviously when an artist gets
fans! Haters and leg pullers rise as well... I know how much i am. Capable of
so never gave a damn about it!!! I always wanted support and prayers from my
parents which I got so no problems! - Self-confidence and perseverance are very important,
and the competitors should be to strengthen you.
- Who have you worked with?
- I have worked with (Karwan
Band) (The Band Pavan) (Insomniac)...
- Is there any artist you want to work with?
- Aim desperate to work with Jal
the band and Shruti Hassan from Mumbai (India)
- How do you see the work nowadays in your field easy
or difficult?
- Its Quite difficult nowadays in
Pakistan spreading your music to your listeners is really a difficult task we
only had youtube for making our content easily accessible to our public. Youtube
is banned from a long time young musician use social networking websites to
promote their stuff as well... Shortage of electricity and our music Channels
play Indian and international content more than their own... this thing can lead
to career of a musician to and end. But fingers crossed!! I hope our music
industry will grow more and more and I think If you’re passionate about your
work u will do anything to achieve your goals God make ways...
- Do you have a favorite musical project that you’ve
worked on?
- Yes, I do have and its Kyun
Jioun its on youtube people can search it through Google as well. I made it in
2009 this particular song is based on a true story of a friend of mine...
basically its about suicide bombing attacks... song showcases the feelings of
those people who lose their loved ones in such pathetic acts. So yes kyun Jioun
is really close too me and off course one of my own favorite project as well.
- What are your plans for the future?
- Well currently i'm working on
couple of projects of my own and for few new upcoming artists as well. Will be
making lyrical content for them. Next song is going to be a gospel song which
will out in March!- Oh, these are wonderful plans,
i wish you can accomplish all of them.
- Do you have any advice for the young generation who
want come into the field of media
(Music/ television/ Film)?
- Advice would be that whatever
you’re planning or u want to do in media u must have the knowledge about it get
trained in your field because competition is so tough nowadays makes yourself
as stronger as you can so you meet to the international level! Be yourself, believe in yourself
always! Give all Credit to God be thankful to him and be down to earth as much
as you can. - Its fantastic to hear someone in such a
young age talking this wisely, i wish that your succes will be worldwide, and
your dreams will come true.